Welcome to By the Square Investments
Trust. Growth. Experience.
About Our Firm
Financial Advice with a Personal touch
This website and my advice have been designed to assist Masonic Lodges and Buildings in improving the financial clarity that we currently have as well as bridge the Lodges and Building to a modern foundation of Budgets, Investments and financial knowledge. Working with me will help the Lodge plan a multi-year budget and as such allow for long term financial planning, giving the future elected officers the tools and guidance to build their year in the East as well as allow the members to know the true financial situation of the lodge.
I will be giving advice on budget making, financial decisions, tax and audit and shine light onto the financial unknown that currently most Lodges and Masonic Building are now operating under. Questions such as: are your dues at the right level? Are you too conservative with the investments? Holding too much cash on hand? What level of risk should the lodge take with long term investments? Will you be around in 10 years, how about 30? Do you have a multi-year budget? These are questions that many lodges have not asked themselves for many years and have operated with the notion of what worked in the past will work in the future.
Receiving outside financial advice from a professional that focuses on these issues and understands our craft is a must for all Masonic Lodges and Building Associations. The clarity and explanations, education and light will help all the lodge members to know the true financial situation of their Lodge and Building. Just as we ask for financial advice from professionals regarding our personal finances and take their advice to guide us through our life, thus we should also be willing to take the advice of a well-informed, Financial professional regarding the finances of the Lodge in the short and long term.